Stick Sandwich

The Stick Sandwich is a three candle bullish reversal formation. The pattern occurs in a downtrend, where the first candle is black and the second candle is white and trades above the close of the first day. The third candle is black and closes where the first candle did.

• Day-one is a red day that continues the established trend to a new low
• Day-two is a blue day that trades up to or above day-one
• Day-three is a red day that closes near the close of the first day
• All three candles establish a firm support line, while forming consecutive higher highs.

The Bullish Stick Sandwich pattern shows three days that establish a solid support level, while each new day forms higher highs. This suggests the bearish trend has bottomed out while each new high implies buyers are able to mount more control of the market. Candlestick Analysts who are short would look to cover their short positions. While those looking to long will for buying opportunities, and use the shared bottom as a solid support.



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